TrafficJam VR Post-Game Survey

What is your age range?
6 to 15
16 to 25
25 to 50
50 to 999
Did the game make you feel sick or dizzy?
The game didn't bother me at all
It was intense, but I don't feel sick after playing it
Yes, I feel a bit dizzy and lightheaded from it
Yes, it made me sick at my stomach
What was your first impressions of the game?
Very Fun, I loved it
Fun, I want to play it more in the future
Ok, but the game needs improvement
Didn't like it. Not my cup of tea
How much experience do you have playing VR Games?
I play VR games all the time
I have played VR games now and then
I have never played VR this was my first time
How did the controls of the game feel?
The controls were good and I felt comfortable
The controls were difficult to me and need improvement.
I did not like the way my virtual hands felt. I thought it was difficult to grab things
A gamepad controller would be much better
Is Virtual Reality Gaming something you would pay for?
Yes, I enjoyed it and would probably buy 30 minutes or more of VR gaming time in a day
Yes, I enjoyed it and would pay for it if its like an 3 to 5 minute arcade game
I probably would not pay to play your VR game
Did the game make you want to own your own VR headset
I already own one!
Yes I will probably want to buy one in the future!
No I don't want to buy one, I would rather rent yours!
No, I really think VR isn't for me
Please rate your overall experience
Which Game did you play
VRIF - Godzilla Sandbox VR
Gasflip Battle Arena PVP
{"name":"TrafficJam VR Post-Game Survey", "url":"","txt":"What is your age range?, Did the game make you feel sick or dizzy?, What was your first impressions of the game?","img":""}
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