What do you want next week’s theme to be? (06-26) NOTE: You can choose more than one!

Consoom FLAT EARTH? (conspiracy thread)
Consoom Keeping animals. Chickens, bees, larger livestock and what not. Experiences, tips, and help getting into it.
Consoom Music
Consoom Nature (nature appreciation thread)
Consoom Summer (summer / summer break thread )
Consoom social media (post removed, musk buyout of twitter)
Consume Glowies (thread on glowies and drama)
Consume OS (operating systems and software thread)
Hobbies Thread
Improoooove health
infooooolation (gas, baby formula shortage, bitcoin oh my)
{"name":"What do you want next week’s theme to be? (06-26) NOTE: You can choose more than one!", "url":"https://www.supersurvey.com/QSH0VU4BI","txt":"Consoom FLAT EARTH? (conspiracy thread), Consoom Keeping animals. Chickens, bees, larger livestock and what not. Experiences, tips, and help getting into it., Consoom Music","img":"https://www.supersurvey.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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